⬇️Add Liquidity To NFT20 Pool

Become a Liquidity Provider to earn fees (and more) from NFT20 trades!

Step 1: Visit the https://app.uniswap.org/ webpage, and in the top-right corner, click the "Connect" button.

Step 2: Next, from the pop-up, select and connect your wallet. In this scenario, we will connect using MetaMask.

Step 3: In the header menu, select the "Pools" option.

Step 4: Now, click on "New Position" button to begin adding to the liquidity pool.

Note: In order to add liquidity, make sure you have sufficient token balances.

Step 5: Start by adding the trading pair. Click to select the tokens. For this example, we shall be creating a pair between MetaSaga Warriors and USDT.

Step 6: In the pop-up, for the first token, we shall add the MetaSaga Warriors NFT20 token. Similarly, for the second token, we shall add the USDT token.

Note: Use the search bar in the pop-up to find the target token. You can find the contract addresses of verified NFT20 markets here.

Step 7: Next, we shall select the fees. We shall go with the default 0.3% fee tier, but you can choose other options as well.

Note: You will earn fees whenever your liquidity is utilized during the swap process.

Step 8: Now enter the deposit amounts. In this case, we shall be depositing 2 MetaSaga Warriors NFT20 tokens. The required USDT token amount is automatically calibrated by the platform.

Step 9: You can also set custom price ranges for your token pair. In this case, we shall be proceeding with the default, platform-recommended price range.

Note: In Uniswap V3, your liquidity pool will earn fees only when your price range matches with the prevailing market prices.

Step 10: Click on the "Preview" button to proceed to the next step.

Step 11: Verify the details of the transaction and click on the "Add" button to proceed with the transaction.

Step 12: You also need to click the "Confirm" button in your wallet to approve the transaction.

Note: You will need to pay gas fees to complete the transaction.

Step 13: Congratulations! Your transaction is complete. You have successfully added a liquidity pool!

Last updated